I Got REAL Mail, A Gift to My Heart

I got REAL mail!
A gift to my heart.

I got mail!

It was REAL mail—one with a postage stamp, and it was extra thick. My curiosity was piqued as I did not recognize the name in the return address.

My first thought was, “Is this good news or bad news?”

Immediately, I captured that thought as I recognized that my heart was fearful. So much has happened over the years I have to be intentional about how I think. I rephrased my thought to, “This is fun! I wonder what this person sent to me?”

Some might say I tore the envelope like a child opening a gift. Others may liken it to ripping off a Band-Aid. Both would be accurate. It wasn’t a straight tear straight across the top like I intended. Instead, it was a jagged tear from the return address to just above my name.

Inside the envelope was a gift. It was a 5-page handwritten letter tucked inside a notecard printed with a beautiful painting of mountain goats, titled Cliff Hangers.

I started to read.

Dear Dawn,

"I’m writing you this letter because of how much your father changed my life, and how much I still think of him.”

I continued to read this woman’s story.

After each page I’d pass it across the table for my husband to read. We were quiet as we read a powerful, beautiful story filled with joy, sorrow, hope, and gratitude.

I laughed when she described Contact Reflex Analysis® as “woo woo fairy” when she and her husband, who was given 6 months to live, were first introduced to the work. She shared how the “not possible” became possible, and she was grateful for everything my dad, Dr. Versendaal, did for them.

The story in the letter could easily have ended with gratitude for my dad. My heart would have been happy.

But it didn’t.

On the last page she wrote...

"The apple did not fall far from the tree. Thank you."

Tears formed in my eyes, and my heart responded,"…but I’m not my dad. How do I fit into this marvelous story?"

The letter was a gift to my heart.

…a heart with an old story of self-inflicted high expectations.
…a heart that feels guilty because I have no desire to be Dr. V who was always on call managing crisis after crisis.
…a heart that just wishes her dad was here.

This woman continued her story with examples of how VerVita Products helped and how I blessed her…even though we have never met. I was just being me.


Could it really be that simple? 

I know I am not the only one who plays the comparison game and makes the simple complex. 

Many overlook the power of their own uniqueness, the power of their story. 

For me, the letter came at the exact right time when I needed it to challenge my old stories, my old beliefs. It was encouragement and affirmation. 

I just finished 8 years of work creating an organized training and certification program for Contact Reflex Analysis®. I packaged my dad’s genius (as if that could ever truly happen to genius) and put a bow on it. The energy of it is powerful and cannot be contained as it continues to bless—a ripple effect.

The last couple of weeks, I have been asking, “Now what, God?” How do I continue to bless people with the gifts you have given me?

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

I have dreams.

I have ideas.

Right now, if people ask me what I do, my answer is…

I inspire transformation by revealing and healing the stories of your heart.

Let’s see what happens in this next chapter.

Will you be in it?

Cliff Hanger(s). 😊